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Led by YDAR partners Ashley Law and Sarah Timreck at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, participants discuss the fundamentals of leadership, including different leadership styles and ethical leadership, as well as the key principles of communication, including tips for inclusive communication. Participants engage in a discussion around how good leadership and inclusive communication can support and advance their advocacy goals.



Presentation slides

Raise Your Voice! PPT



Ashley Law is the youth engagement specialist at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), where she provides technical support to design and deliver tailored programming to promote young people’s civic engagement and political participation. She previously worked as a program officer for IFES’s Asia-Pacific team, managing projects in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, and Bangladesh, working with election management bodies to hold inclusive elections, increase youth participation in elections, and partner with universities to develop civic engagement initiatives. She received her bachelor’s degree in law and society with minors in psychology and child development and family studies from Purdue University, after which she worked as an economic support specialist for the U.S. state of Georgia to support families on food stamps and Medicaid. Before joining IFES, Law worked in program administration at American University while obtaining her master’s degree in international peace and conflict resolution with a concentration in youth and peace-building.