In this session Blaise Murphet explains how to use Zoom on your mobile phone, and how to register for Eventbrite events. Presentation slides Blaise intro on how to use Zoom slides 24 May Bio Blaise Murphet is...
Raise your Voice! Inclusive Leadership and Communication for Advocacy is a free online session on Thursday 8 June, 2023 that will be led by YDAR partners at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. During this online session, participants will discuss the...
Dr Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth University) talks about media engagement and advocacy, presenting his case study of documentary making and visual impairment. This project aims to deconstruct the stigma of blind people through the analysis of existing, as well as the...
Dr Filippo Trevisan (American University, Washington) analyses the development of inclusivity in digital advocacy and political campaigns. He argues that digital inclusivity is tied to three key drivers: pressure from disability advocates, rise of the disability community as a voter...
Dr Lawrence Eron and Dr Paul Emong (Kyambogo University) present about understanding legal policy frameworks on disability inclusion, advocacy, networking and partnership. The presentation aims to appreciate the importance of disability legal policy frameworks in advocacy, networking and partnership for...
Dr Cosmas Mnyanyi (University of Dar es Salaam) explains that with the growing use of information and communication technology (ICT), call for the access to technological training opportunities is limited. Assumptions are made that all people can access information in...
Dr Francis Kyambo, Dr January Basela and Dr Alphoncina Pembe (University of Dodoma) explore the engagement of Community Volunteers (CV) in enhancing Inclusive Education (IE) in Chamwino District and Dodoma city in Dodoma Region, Tanzania. Specifically, the study explored the...
Dr Batista Francis Mgumba and Dr Lucas Luhende Kija (University of Dar es Salaam) examine the use of assistive technology in facilitating inclusive learning for students with disabilities in higher education institutions in Tanzania. Specifically, the study was guided by...
Dr. Florence Kyaruzi, Mr. Rajabu Shafii and Mr. Rashid Mzambili from University of Dar es Salaam explain that assessment accommodation has received increased attention in higher education over the past three decades as a deliberate adjustment to the examination process...
Ruth Nalugya (the National Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Uganda) presents about the power of art and music for disability advocacy. To campaign for strengthening the voice of the youths with disabilities, Ruth shares experiences from a case study...