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Reflections and Key Takeaways from the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Workshop at Stellenbosch University

As an Early Career Researcher (ECR) passionate about disability-inclusive research, I constantly face the challenge of balancing rigorous research, securing funding, and engaging with interdisciplinary approaches. From October 8th to 10th, 2024, I attended the ECR face-to-face workshop at Stellenbosch…
FeaturedTraining Materials

New Advocacy and Campaigns Toolkit

YOURS - Youth for Road Safety developed this tool to support members of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and young changemakers worldwide to advocate for safer and more sustainable mobility systems towards the 4th Ministerial on Road Safety…
confident young woman with dwarfism rides a bike on residential neighborhood path

The Socio-Spatial Experiences of People with Dwarfism in Public Spaces

Drawing from her book, ‘Dwarfism, Spatiality and Disabling Experiences’ Dr Erin Pritchard explores the various social and spatial experiences of people with dwarfism. The talk demonstrates how physical and social barriers, the latter influenced by cultural representations of dwarfism, impact…

Advocacy by Young People with Disabilities: Assessing the Outcomes of the Campaigns

This session updates the YDAR network on the results of two disability advocacy campaigns designed and led by young disability activists in Tanzania. These were launched in late 2023 and are coming to an end in April 2024. 1. Digital advocacy…
Academic Publications

Disability and Media – An African Perspective

This book seeks to expand some of the existing, often western and Global North facing, scholarship in the area of Disability and Media Studies to include African perspectives. Featuring predominantly Africa-based contributors, it studies an array of topics on disability…

Filming Disability: A Guide for Filmmakers and Editors

Together! 2012 CIC runs the annual international Together! Disability Film Festival, which was founded in 2012 and regularly attracts over 1500 entries from around the globe. This Guide for Filmmakers and Editors is based on our experiences.

Sexual Self-Advocacy for Women with Disabilities

Sexual Autonomy is a hushed topic in the East African regions and the denial to sexual autonomy and experiences is even further intensified for Women with Disabilities (WwD). During the online session, Bijal Lal presents about the inherent right to…

Advertising and Disability Activism

This workshop focuses on the ways in which advertising can promote disability activism and advocacy. It explores how different forms of advertising (such as social media campaigns and poster advertisements) and strategies (for example, 'shockvertising' and framing messages for maximum…

South to South Dialogue and the Issue of Visibility: Lessons from Kenya and Brazil

In this webinar, we aim at reflecting on the potential of media activism and artivism to create more sustainable connections between Global South communities and to promote a dialogue to challenge colonial legacies and promote social justice. We explore how creative digital media…

Participatory Grant Making and Advocacy by Young Disabled Activists

This session gives a short introduction to participatory grant making, how it can be done and how it can shift control. Using a real-world example from Tanzania, you hear directly from young disabled activists as grant makers, and as leaders…

The Alliance Accountability Toolkit and its Applicability to Youth Disability Advocacy

This session showcases the Accountability Toolkit, a set of interlinked tools that help a person to plan and implement an advocacy strategy in a systematic way with the use of data, both qualitative and quantitative. Developed by the Global Alliance of…

Bridging the Road to Equality: Safe is Inclusive!

This session showcases how road safety contributes to reducing inequalities, especially among disabled youths. It discusses the impact of road traffic crashes on disadvantaged communities and shares key findings and recommendations from a new policy brief on Road Safety &…

Advocacy for Equitable Access to Sport: Examples from Football/Soccer

This session provides examples of projects advocating for inclusive access to sport and football (soccer) for persons with disabilities. It showcases real-world examples of organisations implementing initiatives with support of the UEFA Foundation. The Presentation from Youthorama showcases the 'Ball…

Toolkit on the Go: Representing Disabilities in Film and Television

This 1-page Toolkit points to suggestions/recommendations for representing disabilities on screen. Many of the points raised here were co-produced with disabled people, filmmakers, disability advocates/allies, researchers and academics in disability studies and film studies. The more in-depth Toolkit can be found here: Representing Disabilities and…

Leveraging Social Media for Disability Rights Advocacy

During this session, participants will learn about the IFES Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit, how to use social media to conduct advocacy campaigns, and how to create inclusive and accessible messages. Participants will review the six steps of advocacy and discuss…

Portraying Positive Disability Identity in Films: A Guide from Research

During this session, Dr Ngozi Marion Emmanuel discusses a toolkit she created to support positive portrayals of disability in film. Films have been recognised as an important media for shaping disability identity and disability pride. However, research has shown that…
Academic Publications

Cultural Representations of Albinism in Africa

The challenges currently faced by people with albinism in many African countries are increasingly becoming a focus of African writers, storytellers, artists and filmmakers across the continent. At the same time, a growing number of advocates and activists are taking…
Academic Publications

Disabled People Transforming Media Culture for a More Inclusive World

This book tells the stories of disabled people who have been influential in creating modern mass media. Through the voices of key disabled media makers and collaborators, the author highlights the ways in which their contributions are changing society's understanding…
Academic Publications

Routledge Research in Disability and Media Studies

Dedicated to a media engagement with disability, this series fosters critical, contextual analyses and cross-disciplinary examinations of disability from a media studies perspective. From mass media representations to the in/accessibility of digital media technologies, online spaces and adaptive devices, media…

People-Powered Politics: Introducing the Avaaz Campaigning Model

During this session Bert Wander, Acting CEO of Avaaz, will share their approach to campaigning, from how to spot opportunities to develop effective strategies, communicate powerfully, and deliver impactful advocacy. Avaaz is the world's largest multi issue campaigning community with…

IFES Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) provides this Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit as a new resource to support civil society organizations (CSOs), organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) and diverse advocates to use social media and technology in advocacy…

The Alliance Accountability Toolkit for Road Safety

The Alliance Accountability Toolkit is a set of practical tools that empowers activists and NGOs to hold their governments accountable for the safety of all road users. Using the Accountability Toolkit, you will play your part in reducing road deaths…
Training Materials

Breaking Blind Stereotypes

Media can often misrepresent the blind and visually impaired community, but how are negative stereotypes shown in media, how do they impact perceptions of sight loss, and what is the Supercrip Stereotype? Catalin Brylla works in the specialist field of…
Training MaterialsWebsites

Blindness and Painting

This web resource is about blindness and painting. It features a documentary called "The Terry Fragments", which depicts blind painter Terry Hopwood-Jackson’s painting process. After becoming blind, Terry has developed a unique painting process and style, which allows him to…
Training Materials

Catalin Brylla on Documentary and Disability

In this podcast by disability charity RIIVE, Darren Gormley interviews Catalin Brylla about the relationship between documentary and disability, visual impairment, representation, creativity and artistic expression.

Disability Self Advocacy Through Media

Presented by renowned disability scholar Prof. Beth Haller (Towson University in Maryland), this webinar focuses on how to do self-advocacy through media and the internet. It includes tips on making videos, doing online petitions, and advocating through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,…

Promoting the Rights of People with Disabilities through the Media

This project creates awareness on how disabled people are portrayed in the media. One of the ways disabilities in media advocate for positive disability identity and making of disabilities an integrable difference in an ablest world is through giving space…

Mental Health Resource Kit from Kenya

This resource kit centres around the documentary "What's Eating My Mind". The film depicts the insightful and deeply personal story of living with bipolar disorder in Kenya, where the issue of mental health is often taboo. Noella Luka was living…

Young Disabled People’s Experiences of Activism, Participation & Resistance

In this session Miro Griffiths (University of Leeds) provides an overview of the Leverhulme Trust and University of Leeds funded research on Disability Activism across Europe project. This project explored young disabled people’s views, experiences, tensions, and opportunities for participating…

Online Event: Raise your Voice! Inclusive Leadership and Communication for Advocacy

Led by YDAR partners Ashley Law and Sarah Timreck at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, participants discuss the fundamentals of leadership, including different leadership styles and ethical leadership, as well as the key principles of communication, including tips for…


THISABILITY Newspaper was initially aimed at people with disabilities and their caregivers. The content is reported and written only from a positive aspect. Our objective is to motivate and inspire our readers to look outward and not inward, too see…

Online Event: Understanding Yourself as a Youth with Disabilities

In this online workshop George Sempangi (ADD International) talks about what it means to be a young person with a disability. He explains that having an impairment is a reality, and it is important you accept yourself. The world has…

How to use Zoom on your Mobile Phone

In this session Blaise Murphet explains how to use Zoom on your mobile phone, and how to register for Eventbrite events.   Presentation slides Blaise intro on how to use Zoom slides 24 May   Bio Blaise Murphet…
Training Materials

Media Engagement and Advocacy

Dr Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth University) talks about media engagement and advocacy, presenting his case study of documentary making and visual impairment. This project aims to deconstruct the stigma of blind people through the analysis of existing, as well as the…
Training Materials

Developing Inclusivity in Digital Advocacy and Political Campaigns

Dr Filippo Trevisan (American University, Washington) analyses the development of inclusivity in digital advocacy and political campaigns. He argues that digital inclusivity is tied to three key drivers: pressure from disability advocates, rise of the disability community as a voter…
Training Materials

Understanding Legal Policy Frameworks on Disability Inclusion, Advocacy, Networking and Partnership

Dr Lawrence Eron and Dr Paul Emong (Kyambogo University) present about understanding legal policy frameworks on disability inclusion, advocacy, networking and partnership. The presentation aims to appreciate the importance of disability legal policy frameworks in advocacy, networking and partnership for…
Training Materials

Developing Self-advocacy Skills through the Use of ICT: A Case of People with Visual and Hearing Impairment

Dr Cosmas Mnyanyi (University of Dar es Salaam) explains that with the growing use of information and communication technology (ICT), call for the access to technological training opportunities is limited. Assumptions are made that all people can access information in…
Training Materials

Community Volunteers as a Catalyst to Enhancing Inclusive Education in Mainstream Classrooms: Experience from Dodoma City and Chamwino District in Dodoma Region, Tanzania

Dr Francis Kyambo, Dr January Basela and Dr Alphoncina Pembe (University of Dodoma) explore the engagement of Community Volunteers (CV) in enhancing Inclusive Education (IE) in Chamwino District and Dodoma city in Dodoma Region, Tanzania. Specifically, the study explored the…
Training Materials

Assistive Technology in Facilitating Learning of Students with Disabilities in Tanzania Universities

Dr Batista Francis Mgumba and Dr Lucas Luhende Kija (University of Dar es Salaam) examine the use of assistive technology in facilitating inclusive learning for students with disabilities in higher education institutions in Tanzania. Specifically, the study was guided by…
Training Materials

Assessment Adaptations for Students with Disability in Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania

Dr. Florence Kyaruzi, Mr. Rajabu Shafii and Mr. Rashid Mzambili from University of Dar es Salaam explain that assessment accommodation has received increased attention in higher education over the past three decades as a deliberate adjustment to the examination process…
Training Materials

Art and Music for Advocacy

Ruth Nalugya (the National Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Uganda) presents about the power of art and music for disability advocacy. To campaign for strengthening the voice of the youths with disabilities, Ruth shares experiences from a case study…
Training Materials

Media Workshop: Engaging Journalists

Dr. Rose Reuben, Mwamini Kosuri, Chelu Matuzya, Tuma Dandi, Zahara Tunda and Gloria Michael from the Tanzania Media Women's Association discuss case studies of how journalists engage in media advocacy to promote the rights for people with disabilities.   Workshop…
Training Materials

Media Workshop: Video Creation

Michael Sunderland (Bournemouth University) holds a media workshop on video creation using smart phones. He demonstrates the best way to hold a phone, to light the scene, to frame the subjects, to record proper sound, to film effective sequences, and…
Training Materials

Digital Self-advocacy for Persons with Disabilities

Dr. Jackline Lidubwi (Internews Network) identifies digital self-advocacy strategies for persons with disabilities. She explains how mainstream media hardly features stories of People with Disabilities, and when they are featured, the stories are not framed in inclusive ways. Social media…
Training Materials

Inclusive Data and Advocacy

Youri Francx (Humanity and Inclusion) talks about inclusive data and advocacy. He explains how quantitative and qualitative data can shed light on households with persons with disabilities, assess how crisis affects persons with disabilities, identify barriers and risks, lead to…
Training Materials

Advocacy Campaigns 2 – Enabling Factors in Creating Change

Rosemary Choma (Androse Disability Organization Tanzania) talks about enabling factors in advocacy campaigns. She introduces the IMAR model, which describes campaigns in terms of Idea, Motivation, Ability and Resources. She also explains the emotive layer of campaigns, covering passion, empathy,…
Training Materials

Advocacy Campaigns 1 – From Strategy to Implementation

Blaise Murphet describes the process from strategy to implementation in advocacy campaigns. Elements of an Advocacy Campaign include the gathering of background information, the setting of clear objectives, building strong partnerships, knowing your advocacy targets, helping develop legislation or regulations,…
Training Materials

Innovative Approaches to Youth-led Advocacy

Vanessa Herringshaw (Add International) outlines innovative approaches to youth-led advocacy. Youth advocacy initiatives can contribute to the disability movement, but often it is difficult for them to access funds and influence decisions. Vanessa presents a new pilot scheme of advocacy…
Training Materials

Introduction to Advocacy and Activism in East and Central Africa

Rose Tesha and George Sempangi from Add International give an introduction to advocacy and activism in East and Central Africa. ADD has been an ally of the Disability movement for the last 35 years, supporting OPDs to deliver on their…
Training Materials

Introduction to Media Advocacy: Challenging Stereotypes

Dr. Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth University) explains how media representations can contribute to the reduction of social stigma and prejudice. Models from social psychology, media studies and cultural studies can help activists and media makers to increase social inclusion and diversity…
Training Materials

Youth Disability in Tanzania

Rasheed Maftah, Director of the Disability Unit in the Prime Minister’s Office (Labour, Youth, Employment and People With Disabilities), presents current initiatives that benefit youth disability in Tanzania. Amongst others he announces the building of new special education needs colleges…
Image of Documentary and Disability
Academic Publications

Documentary and Disability

This edited collection explores the intersection between documentary film and disability studies. Documentary has played a significant role in the social construction of disability, and several essays exist in different contexts that explore both the destructive and the positive aspects…
Image of The Disability Visibility Project

The Disability Visibility Project

The Disability Visibility Project is an online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture.
Image of Disability Advocacy through Media Training Course

Disability Advocacy through Media Training Course

This online course will introduce advocates to how to use traditional and online media advocacy techniques to build awareness of disability issues. It will cover the use of social media, videos, websites and blogs for disability advocacy. It includes e-lectures,…

The Inclusive Workplaces Toolkit

This resource breaks down key questions on disability employment for businesses and organisations looking to make their work more inclusive of employees with intellectual disabilities. It provides clear and concrete recommendations for primarily free and easy actions that the employer…
Image of The Inclusive Filmmaking Toolkit

Inclusive Filmmaking Toolkit

The Inclusive Filmmaking Toolkit has been created to provide screen and creative industries with an essential resource to help guide the sector to become more inclusive and disability-confident. The Toolkit outlines best practice principles to provide the most appropriate support and…
Lived Experiences Illustration
Academic Publications

Lived Experiences

A collection of academic publications related to Lived Experiences.
Disability and Media Illustration
Academic Publications

Disability and Media

A collection of academic publications related to Disability and Media.
Disability Advocacy Illustration
Academic Publications

Disability Advocacy

A collection of academic publications related to Disability Advocacy.
General Disability Studies Illustration
Academic Publications

General Disability Studies

A collection of academic publications related to General Disability Studies.